A strong wind was blowing.
It was cold. A strong wind was blowing. There was no one outside. The streets were empty. / Было холодно. Дул сильный ветер. На улице никого не было. Улицы были пустыми.
A rough wind is blowing.
- Is it cold outside? / На улице холодно?
- It's not cold, but a rough wind is blowing. / Не холодно, но дует сильный ветер.
It's windy today.
- What is the weather like today? / Какая сегодня погода?
- It's windy today. / Сегодня ветрено.
- Is it cold? / А холодно?
- It's not very cold, but like I said it's windy. / Не очень холодно, но, как я сказал, ветрено.